Tuesday, December 30, 2008

my favourite things remix.

In light of 2008 being over, I thought a classic song was in order. However, it needs a little update.

Layoffs of workers with frowns on their faces
Wall Street is crashing and losing its bases
Murders and scandals; the hate that they bring
These are a few of my favorite things!

U.S. elections and money restricted
Death counts much higher than they predicted
The war in Iraq could be just for bling-bling
These are a few of my favorite things!

Gas prices soar and then they fall lower
Canada's government mows itself over
Gas is so cheap that it makes us all sing
So who really cares about global warm-ing!?

When the dog bites...
When the clap stings...
When I'm feeling sad.....
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel......... soooooo baaaaad!


carlydee said...


I actually just watched this movie. Good stuff; as a little kid I always fell asleep during the actual ending crisis.

What a remix! ;)

fran said...

jopde woup

fran said...

juper guay

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