Thursday, January 8, 2009

siska of the sheep.

infinity on high sheep Pictures, Images and Photos

A special happy birthday goes out to my good friend... and one of my idols... Adam T. Siska. Sisky Business. Sisky Bizz. Bass Whiz. It took me a good half hour to find a decent yet depictful picture of you and your personnality. Goofy, maniacal, and good ol' fun loving Sisky. Hope your 21st birthday is your best one yet. I wish I could be more heartfelt and sentimental with this birthday wish, but I'm no Hallmark Card. Just make the best of it, buddy. Happy birthday!


Dee. said...

well, don't know if you've seen Big Fish, but there's this witch who was a crystal eye and you can see how you're gonna die. so because Edward Bloom looked into it and saw how he was gonna die he knew nothing else could kill him. I think William quoted it in LAX, "if we knew the way we're gonna die, through everything else we will survive". so add that to my questions and ... you get a really fucked up huge question xD

LOL Sisky. our little man is growin up so fast!

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