Sunday, March 29, 2009


I just want you to know that there's definitely more than popping pennies in the Sorority Queen who'll give head on a whim, contradicting those young sex "comedies", full of young gratuitous girl flesh. Those movies are created to give ugly white doritos-and-beer males the impression that college girls will do anything. I think that, instead of the chess club chub boy getting laid by the female volleyball team, ugly nerd girls should get to dominate some swim team jock bot, atleast by the end of the film (if you can even use that word).
I just saw a bagel commercial, where there's two chicks in an elevator, ones pretty hideous, and as I sat there in joy, I thought, now that, is a feminist pioneer.
Ugly girls are amazing, ugly girls who could give less a shit about hair or bathing or fashion, they're the real heroes.
We have enough grimy boys and potheads.
Motherload props to Kim Deal and a doughy Allison Wolfe.


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