Sunday, April 5, 2009

well, it's just me

I think it's fitting for an update. Small little one, or a big one, I have yet to decide. But, whatever. FLOW.

So I watched Slumdog Millionaire last night. I actually found it to be... kind of... mediocre? No doubt that the cinematography was amazing and such. But it just seemsed so slow. I'm not going to give away the plot line here, because maybe some of you haven't seen the movie. Even though it's won a handful of Academy Awards, I just didn't find it all that interesting. But I did like the little dance at the end...

I've also found myself pretty obsessed with the 16th century. Yes, the times full of lepracy, small pox, and beheading. The medieval times. I really wish I could go back in time and just live through it. But not as some peasent, hell no. But as royalty. Living in those extravagent castles, with a moat and drawbridge. Then those dresses! Now, I'm not a big fan of dresses, don't get me wrong. But if anyone has seen the movie The Other Boleyn Girl... the dresses breathtaking. Even though they might be hell'a uncomfortable, I DON'T CARE. THEY'RE BEAUTIFUL. AND I WANT ONE. NOW!
*throws hissy fit*
If I couldn't live in the medieval times, I would settle for Victorian times.

Anyways, this morning I went to church because it was Palm Sunday. And this Mr. Bean episode was constantly playing through my head.

Classic. He was the epitome of my childhood. Gotta love Bean.


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